For children between 4 months and 2 years. A fundamental stage in the life of children, where it is important to combine care with education.
School is a place where the child receives care that helps in their emotional, intellectual, social, and physical development, and where food, health monitoring, medical care, rest, and activities are offered according to children’s development requirements. There is a continuity of care provided to children that conveys safety, which is fundamental for them to enjoy new experiences.
According to the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Security (article 4), the specific goals of a nursery are:
“Facilitating the work-life balance of the household; sharing care and responsibilities with the family throughout child’s development; guaranteeing individual, customised care according to the specific needs of each child; preventing and dismissing any inadequacy, disability, or risk situation prematurely, and making proper referrals;
Providing conditions for the full development of a child within a physically and emotionally safe environment; Promoting articulation with other services in the community.”
The goals that represent the targets we want to achieve along the school year, which are adapted according to the characteristics of classes and children, arise from the combination of goals listed by the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Security with the specific goals outlined by each teacher.
In the nursery, it is important to create some linguistic goals for the child, as speaking clearly and slowly and enriching the meaning of words with actions, expressions, and gestures; babbling with the baby as if it were a game, inserting words in the middle of sounds for them to try to repeat; attributing meaning to words using images, gestures, and actions; expanding vocabulary using persistence and stimuli, drawing attention to surrounding sounds and mentioning their name, read simple books, repeating names and objects, point out known objects, teach them their names and ask them to repeat, list colours, textures, and other properties, sounds, rhymes, and simple poetry. As to social and affective abilities, our educators observe and imitate the child, make exaggerated facial expressions and gestures and play with them. Singing and using rhythmic games, imitating children sounds with tone and sound variations, making wide, expansive gestures for the child to copy them, play games that involve physical contact with the baby, play games that require interaction, stimulate socialisation with the group, emphasize good actions, stimulate trust and resourcefulness, and help discovering the world and their abilities.
As to psychomotor abilities, we want to stimulate movement and balance, help sitting and correcting postures, stimulate muscle work, do exercises to prepare crawling, exercise the hand and its functions. Making simple puzzles, construction games and eye-foot stimulation.
In the Blue room (1/2 years), Initiation to Mathematics involves goals such as: identifying colours, spatial structuring, size, simple counting and basic notions of quantities.
In terms of knowledge of the world, we want children to know themselves, others, nature, the human being that lives in society, festive holidays, and seasons.
For one year-olds, we further stimulate dialogue and interest in communication, verbal understanding, rhythm and intonation, and verbal and non-verbal communication.
Our artistic expression goals are to develop plastic expression by exploring different materials and techniques. Develop body and dramatic expression, as well as harmonious development, identity development and socialisation.
In the Green room (2/3 years), goals in terms of knowledge of the world include multiple subjects that will be explored and developed in the classroom. Subjects such as: Man and the Environment, family, media, transportation means, plant kingdom, animal kingdom, festive holidays, seasons, water, beach, and popular saints.
In terms of artistic expressions, we want to develop plastic expression by using different techniques (paper tearing, collages, printing, modelling, constructions) and exploring different materials. We further want to develop their abilities in terms of dramatic and body expression.
When it comes to Initiation to Mathematics, the educator wants to accomplish multiple goals, such as using and exploring different materials, spatial orientation and organisation, colour, size, notion of space and time, geometric shapes, object properties and object classification and serialisation.
As to verbal development and reading stimulation, the goal is to stimulate
Verbal communication by means of a practical, everyday vocabulary and short, simple tales and stories or even rhymes and tongue twisters.